Colour Bumper Plates (Olympic)
Colour Bumper Plates (Olympic)

Colour Bumper Plates (Olympic)

Sold in a single piece

Dimensions (diameter x thickness)

1.25kg: 21cm x 3cm 
2.5kg: 27cm x 3.5cm 
5kg: 45cm x 2.5cm 
10kg: 45cm x 4cm 
20kg: 45cm x 7.3cm 

No tax
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Movement First Bumper Plates are a high quality and durable product. The information below will guide you on the common facts on how to prolong the lifespan of your equipment.

Colour: Bumper plates are coloured coded according to IWF (International Weightlifting Federation) standards. The colours help to easily identify at a glance the total weight lifted. For the fitness enthusiast, you can use it to provide motivation and visual feedback on your progress. The colours are as follows: 20kg Blue, 10kg Green, 5kg Grey. 

Manufacturing Process: Bumper Plates are made from a process called Vulncanization. It is a chemical process of converted natural rubber into something more durable. A vast array of products is made using this process which includes tires, shoes and hoses.

Blooming: When you receive your bumper plates for the first time, you will notice a grey powdery residue on some plates.
The white / grey powder you see is called “blooming”. It is common among rubber products after production.  Typically, this is caused by unused vulcanizing agent migrating to the surface of the rubber part. This is why it is more obvious in 5kg plates than the other plates. Bloom is entirely superficial, so it does not affect the quality or the usage of the products. In fact, it protects the surface by inhibiting surface oxidation during the shipment process during ocean voyage (exposure to salt water moisture) and to protect them while in transit (high heat inside truck trailers). The residue poses no harm and can be removed with diluted detergent, warm water and a rag or scouring pad. We recommend to not remove it.

Smell: If you have entered a tyre shop or a newly set up gym, you would recognize the smell of rubber. Over time, as the bumper plates are exposed to air, the smell of the rubber will subside. With time and good air circulation, the smell will lessen. Overall, the Coloured Bumper Plates smell less bad compared to the Hi Temp ones.

Repeated Drops: Our Bumper Plates are made to be dropped. We recommend to drop your bumper plates on rubber or wood. If you drop it on raw concrete or road surface, it will scratch the surface and wear them down quickly. Hence, it is not recommended.

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